The founder and publisher:

Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University n.a. R.E. Alekseev (NNSTU).
Journal Title: «Smart Electrical Engineering» 

The journal was founded in 2018.

International standard serial number (ISSN): 2658-6754

Included in the List of peer-reviewed scientific publications adopted by the State Commission for Academic Degrees and Titles (SCADT) of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation.

Indexed in: Russian Index of Scientific Citing (RISC).

Registered as a mass media. Сertificate ПИ № ФС77-81688 dated August 06, 2021.

Information and full texts of published articles available on the site of the Scientific Electronic Library ( Direct link to all issues of the journal

Subscription is available in all Russian post offices: postal code 41251 in the integrated catalog of the "Russian Press"

The journal is an information partner of the National Research Committee C6 "Active distribution systems and distributed energy resources" CIGRE, operating on the basis of the Energy Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

The aim of the scientific and technical journal "Smart Electrical Engineering" is the integration of intelligent technologies into domestic electrical systems and systems of industrial, transport, residential and special purposes using advanced developments in the field of power electronics.

The main tasks of the journal:

  • Consideration of new theoretical and practical scientific results in the field of increasing the efficiency of functioning of electrical systems and power electronics devices. 
  • Coverage of current scientific and technical problems and the problems of the intellectualization of electrical engineering complexes.
  • Integration of knowledge and experience of domestic and foreign research teams in this field.
  • Assistance in the training of qualified scientific staff by testing the results of scientific research.

The Journal publishes articles deal with current issues of the intellectualization of systems for the conversion, accumulation, transmission and use of electrical energy, new theoretical and practical results in the field of improving power electronics devices.
Russian and foreign scientists, industrial workers and design bureaus, as well as graduate students and doctoral students are invited to publish in the Journal.

The journal publishes articles on two scientific specialties: 

  • 2.4.2. “Electrical complexes and systems” 
  • 2.4.3. “Electric power industry” 

The Journal is published 4 times a year.

The Journal is published at the publisher’s expense. Publication in the Journal is free. Articles are published following a review. The editors of the Journal work only with authors of articles. All articles are available online on the journal website.

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