Requirements for the manuscript

1. Manuscript (.doc or .docx).
File name «Article_Surname and initials of the first author_wishful № _year .doc or .docx» (for example «Article_Ivanov I.I._№1_2018.doc»).
Download template

2. Authors information (.doc or .docx) is written out separately for each author.
File name «Article_Surname and initials_wishful № _year .doc or .docx» (for example «Article_Ivanov I.I._№1_2018.doc»).
Download template

3. Manuscript expertise on your organization letterhead (PDF) – for authors from Russia and CIS countries.
File name «Expert_Surname and initials of the first author_wishful № _year .doc or .docx» (for example «Expert_Ivanov I.I._№1_2018.doc»).

4. Authors letter (PDF).
File name «Copyright_Surname and initials_wishful № _year.pdf» (for example «Copyright_ Ivanov I.I._№1_2018.pdf»).
Download template

Download the entire archive in one file.


The manuscript should have a structured form and contain:

  • introduction;
  • tasks of the study;
  • materials and methods;
  • obtained results, their scientific novelty, advantages and disadvantages;
  • conclusion;
  • references.

The page limit for regular manuscript is from 8 to 15 pages (including figures, tables and references). The publication of extra pages is possible in agreement with the editorial office.

Download full requirements for the content and template of a manuscript submitted for publication in the journal "Smart Electrical Engineering".

  • The text of the manuscript is typed in the Microsoft Word and saved with the extension .doc or .docx.
  • Page format: A5 (portrait).
  • Margins: top and bottom – 2,0 cm, left and right – 1,7 cm. Gutter – 0 cm.
  • Font: Times New Roman, font size - 10 pt, indentation – 1 cm, line spacing - single, text alignment - justify.
  • Spacing before and after paragraphs – 0 pt.
  • Pages are NOT numbered and the header and footer remain empty.
  • Hyphenation - Automatic.

Download full requirements for the content and template of a manuscript submitted for publication in the journal "Smart Electrical Engineering".

The article should consist of the following elements:

  • Index of universal decimal classification (UDC) – text alignment on the left, without indentation, font bold, size 10 pt.
  • Digital Object Identifier (DOI) – text alignment on the right, font italic, size 10 pt. DOI is assigned by the editorial office of the journal.
  • The title – one line space before, capital letters, alignment in the center, without indentation, font bold, size 12 pt.
  • Initials and surname of first author – one line space before, aligning on the center, without indentation, font bold, size 12 pt.
  • Author ORCHID ID and e-mail – alignment in the center, without indentation, font bold, size 9 pt.
  • Author affiliation: organization (without department) – alignment in the center, without indentation, font size 9 pt. On the next line, the city, country is indicated – alignment in the center, without indentation, font italic, size 9 pt.
  • Similar information about the second and next authors.
  • Abstract – one line space before, alignment - justified, first line indentation – 1 cm, font size 9 pt. The abstract should explain the essence of the work, the materials and methods used, the scientific novelty, the results obtained. The volume of the abstract is not less than 200 words. The abstract is an independent source of information on the content and results of the research. It is necessary to treat with due attention to the writing of the annotation. The abstract should be original and not repeat the conclusion.
  • Keywords – one line space before, alignment - justified, first line indentation – 1 cm, font size 9 pt., begin with the heading "Keywords -" (font bold); should contain 5-10 words and phrases, separated by a comma.
  • Link for citing the article - one line space before, alignment – justified, first line indentation – 1 cm, font size 9 pt, begin with the heading "For citation:" (font bold).
  • Information about the article in English language (This information should be submitted in English only for manuscript in Russian language): title; initials and surnames of authors; affiliation, city, country; ORCHID ID and e-mails; abstract; keywords; for citation.
  • The text of the manuscript - one line space before, alignment – justified, first line indentation – 1 cm, font size 10 pt. The sections of the article are numbered consecutively in Roman numerals, the names of the sections are shown in bold font.
  • Information about funding (if necessary) – one line space before, text alignment on the right, without indentation, font italic, size 10 pt.
  • Sign of copyright protection and the names of authors with the year of article – one line space before, text alignment on the right, without indentation, font size 9 pt.
  • Date of receipt of the article in the editorial office – one line space before, text alignment on the right, without indentation, font italic, size 9 pt.
  • Reference – one line space before, begins with the title "Reference" (font bold, size 9 pt); sources are drawn up in a list (font size 9 pt) in the order of mention in the text. References in the text are given in square brackets, for example, [1], [2, 3], [4-6]. The bibliography should include at least 15 sources.
  • Reference in English (only for manuscript in Russian language).
  • Author information in Russian and English languages. Begins with the title "INFORMATION ABOUT THE AUTHORS" (font bold, size 9 pt). The full name of the authors, academic degree and title, position and affiliation, its location.

Tables and figures are placed after they are mentioned in the text. Before and after – one line spacing with font 10 pt.

It is not recommended to use screenshots, as the text in the pictures will be almost unreadable when printed. Original images must be used. Articles with low quality drawings will be sent to the authors for revision.

Preferred quality of graphic images and photographs: 300 dots per inch, 8 bits per pixel, in shades of gray. You should avoid using low contrast photos and images. Color images will be available in the electronic version of the article on the journal website.

The figures are located in the text. The caption is placed after the figures, alignment in the center, font bold, size 9 pt. (example: Fig. 1. Name of the picture).

Figures should be numbered sequentially in Arabic numerals. When referring to a figure in the text, use the abbreviation “fig. X ", even at the beginning of the sentence.

Table names should be placed above the tables, aligned to the right, without indentation, font bold, size 9 pt. The table number is indicated on the first line, font italic (example: Table 1), and its name is indicated on the next line. 

After the table name, one line space is done and the table itself is placed. Only tables of the entire width of the page are allowed. The text size in the tables is 9 pt, the line spacing is single, the alignment is to the left. Table column headers are bold, size 9 pt.

Use “Table X“ when referring to a table in the text.


Equations must be typed in Mathtype or built-in Microsoft Equation. The size of the basic symbols should correspond to the size of the main text (10 pt). Before and after equations spacing is done - one line with font 10 pt. After each equation, in accordance with the context, there should be a punctuation mark (comma, dot, etc.). 

Russian and Greek symbols in equations are written in direct type, while Latin symbols in Italic font. Symbols Re, Fr, St, Pr и др., signs of mathematical functions (sin, ctg, arcsin, ..., sh, Arsh, grad, rot, div, lim, exp, ln, lg и др.), chemical elements and compounds, as well as designation (const, max, min) typed in direct type.

To denote the operation "multiplication" in the formulas, the symbol "·" is used. To indicate fractional parts, a comma is used (not a dot), for example "0,56".

Sequence numbers are assigned only to the most important equations that are referenced in the text. The numbering of equations must be consistent. The number is placed on the right side in parentheses, like (1).

Download full requirements for the content and template of a manuscript submitted for publication in the journal "Smart Electrical Engineering".

This information should be submitted in English only for manuscript in Russian language.

  • Title.
  • Initials and surnames of authors.
  • Authors affiliation: organization (without department), city, country.
  • Abstract - begins with a title "Abstract"
  • Keywords - begins with a title "Keywords".
  • Captions and titles of all tables and figures in the text.
  • References - begins with a title "References".
  • Authors information – begins with a title "INFORMATION ABOUT THE AUTHORS".

Translation must be carried out professionally. It is not allowed to use automatic translators without further editing the text.

The design of sections in English corresponds to the design of Russian-language sections.