Current issue

No 3 (27), 2024.


    Page File
A.L. Kulikov, A.A. Loskutov, R.I. Illarionov. Application of the Nelder-Mead algorithm for fault location on overhead power transmission lines with branches   4
O.S. Khvatov, I.A. Tarpanov, T.Z. Bilyaletdinov. Stand alone diesel generator power plant based on asynchronous generator with valve excitation and automatic voltage control system with vector control   19
S.V. Popov, O.A. Burmakin, Y.S. Malyshev. Justification of the use of frequency electric drives for ship anchor and mooring mechanisms   32
A.I. Beloshistov, A.L. Serov, A.A. Beloshistov. New series of micropro-cessor remote control devices BDU-D   50
A.V. Kryukov, K.V. Suslov, A.E Kryukov. Modeling of electromagnetic influences of traction networks equipped with reactive power compensation means on pipelines   65
V.Yu. Vukolov. On power supply reliability of electrified railways signaling devices   82
O.V. Masleeva, E.V. Kryukov, Y.I. Petukhov. Energy and environmental assessment of urban transport   100
E.A. Kumagina, A.S. Plekhov. Electric supply disruptions risk minimization during the transition to green energy   116
CRONICLE   130  
On the 60th anniversary of the Department of "Electric Power Engineer-ing, Power Supply and Power Electronics" of the Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University named after R.E. Alekseev   130